Coastline Paradox

Coastline Paradox  is an interactive online art experiment by Pekka Niittyvirta and Timo Aho. The project visualizes future sea level rise and simulates the migration caused by the climate crisis.

Visit the project here:

The experiment engages the viewer with the impacts of the climate crisis through a custom built map interface and Google Street View. The glowing areas on the map interface and the glowing horizontal line on the Street View represents the sea level rise. These can be altered through an interactive parameter – time, which visualizes the impact of this man-made environmental disaster.

Coastline Paradox is a continuation from the artists’ previous installation Lines (57° 59′ N, 7° 16’W), which was first opened in May Day 2018 at Taigh Chearsabhagh Art Center in the Outer Hebridean island of North Uist, Scotland. Covering a total length of 115 m horizontal lines of lights installed in three locations in the vicinity of the art centre. The installation is activated by the rising tide showing where the future storm surges will likely rise within this century.

By extending their work to a global online platform, the artists invite the viewer to explore a world where sea levels rise and instability increases the further we advance into our uncertain future.

Project is a collaboration with Google Arts & Culture

Coastline Paradox is part of Heartbeat Of The Earth, a series of online climate artworks.


Data & design
Jonatan Hildén & Juuso Koponen

Viljami Peltola

Street View
Ville Niemi | @viiksi.exe / instagram
Janne Aukia | @jaukia / twitter

Front end
Viljami Peltola

Service architecture
Henry Jalonen: @spheroid / twitter